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Letter from the Mayor


To the Wonderful Citizens of Marmaduke, 

I will be the first to admit that this job has been more daunting that I could have ever imagined. Since turning in my letter concerning resigning, I have continued to work on the multitude of projects we have going on and the grant that we submitted. 

I've also met with our department heads and our recorder / treasurer multiple times. We have a lot going on...a lot of positive things. We are currently finishing up approximately a half million dollars' worth of improvements on our infrastructure!  I have continued to seek guidance from above and from those in leadership positions around me. I have been told repeatedly that resigning is not the best thing. It is not what's best for me. But more importantly, it's not what's best for the city as we continue to work on improving our infrastructure as well as each department. With this being said, I have decided to rescind my resignation. I truly appreciate your patience with me. I am 100% committed to finishing my term and doing all that I can to make Marmaduke a better place. Thank you again for your encouragement, prayers, guidance, and friendship. I believe we have a great city and I believe we can continue to do some great things for this community! 



Jerrimy Farmer, Mayor

City of Marmaduke